Welcome to Room 16

Welcome to Room 16.

What a great start to the term! We're all making friends within the class, and facilitating this process are activities that support our inquiry of "Our voices our powerful".

Our Lego Architect was a fun activity. Students formed small groups and took a role of Architect, Purchaser and Builder. The Architect created a 5-10 block construction and then described this to the purchaser, who found the pieces. The Architect then had to describe how to build the construction to the Builder. 

The students learnt how important communication is when working as a team, to be really explicit with their instructions and descriptions. We're using our experience of this to expand on our writing, show don't tell. (Show don't tell describes writing by showing the actions and feelings instead of just telling the reader what happened.) 

We learnt to be respectful by using group talk- Lily

“We learnt to be patient with others- Knox

“We learnt never to give up - Mekenna

“We learnt to persevere” - Joshua

“To problem solve- Quinn

We all learnt the importance of communication in group work. We all learnt to work more effectively as a group.


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