Geometric thinking through exploration

This term we are exploring geometry, geometric vocabulary, shapes and measurement.

This week, we are becoming familiar with geometric vocabulary and shapes. We learnt that polygons are multi-sided shapes and that we see them everywhere.

We learnt that there are 3 parts that make a polygon:
  • Sides - lines that make the shape
  • Vertices - points where the sides intersect 
  • Angles - intersecting lines creating many angles.
We learnt that polygons are closed shapes.

We learnt that polygons are 2-Dimensional
  • They are all on the same plane
  • They are flat shapes.
We explored this concept.  

After students drew a polygon on clear plastic, they were presented with a question, how do we transform the polygon on one plane into shape that is not a polygon? 

The students recreated the shape to make it look 3D, but the shape still sat on one plane. 

After some creative thinking, the students realised that if the vertices move in or off the plane then it is no longer a flat shape!

Well done Baden and Quinn!


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