Making paper

Making Paper

We learnt how to make recycled paper as part of our inquiry into sustainability.

We used shredded paper. We let it soak in a bucket over the weekend.

We turned it into a cellulose smoothie. We accidentally got sprayed with paper!

We filled a big bucket with water.

We put some of the cellulose smoothie in the water. The paper was suspended in the water.

 We lifted the mesh tray out.
We turned it out onto a piece of cardboard. We used a sponge to remove excess moisture.

 We removed the mesh.
We let the new sheet of paper dry.

 This took a few days.

We worked collaboratively, writing our thoughts on:
What is the effect?
What is the reason?
What is the result?
What is the impact?
What could happen?
What would happen?

By thinking about the bigger questions we extended our thinking and became strategic thinkers.


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